4-H Livestock Projects
Market Livestock Growth Charts
Quality Assurance Training
Farm Service Agency (FSA) Loan for a 4-H Project Animal(s)
The USDA Farm Service Agency offers a
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) makes operating loans of up to $10,000 to eligible individual youths ages 10 to 20 to finance income-producing, agriculture-related projects. The project must be of modest size, educational, and initiated, developed, and carried out by youths participating in 4-H clubs, FFA, tribal youth organizations or similar agricultural affiliated groups.
The project must be an organized and supervised program of work. It must be planned and operated with the assistance of the organization advisor, produce sufficient income to repay the loan, and provide the youth with practical business and educational experience in agriculture related skills.
For more information about the loan and/or application packet, please contact Shyla Lisenbee at shyla.lisenbee@usda.gov or 208-686-1260, ext. 2.