SUCCESS Team: Step-Up Completion: Collaboration, Evidence, Synergies and Support
Stage Two Feedback Requested
Please review a description of each initiative and provide feedback about approaches using the online forms below. The document is currently labeled draft; a final will be emailed with the meeting reminder in early March. The survey links for the three initiative areas are below.
Summary of the Charge
Nationally, higher education faces crises of confidence and enrollment declines. To thrive, universities must adapt to these changing conditions. Increasingly, U.S. universities are working to improve outcomes for students, especially those who begin pursuing a degree program but never graduate. The U of I has already made important strides in improving retention and graduation rates through the Strategic Enrollment Project.
To take the next steps, President Green has appointed the Step-Up Completion: Collaboration, Evidence, Synergies and Support (SUCCESS) Team and charged it to improve graduation rates from our current 61%, which matches the national R2 average, to 77%, matching the current national R1 average. Drawing on successful efforts on other campuses, the team is developing potential student success initiatives to improve retention and graduation rates. Faculty are leading the effort because it focuses on curriculum and instruction. It is expected that proposals showing strong ROI will be funded. Therefore, the initiatives proposed offer an important opportunity for U of I to invest in our teaching mission and our students' academic achievement.
Faculty, staff and students will be invited to provide feedback so your perspectives can guide U of I's investment in teaching and student success. Please watch for the following notifications and events:
- Week of February 26: Invitation to an all-campus conversation with the SUCCESS Team and the Provost. Information on potential initiatives will be shared.
- Wednesday, March 20 at 3:30 p.m. PT; 4:30 p.m. MT: All-campus conversation, with opportunity to provide feedback to SUCCESS Team members, who will use it to draft a proposal to Provost Lawrence and President Green.
- Weeks of March 18 and 25: SUCCESS Team meets with specific stakeholder groups.
Hala Barakat, MA, MUCD – Assistant Professor, College of Art & Architecture
Brooke Blevins, PhD – Professor of Curriculum & Instruction and CEHHS Dean
Tim Boester, PhD - Clinical Faculty & Director of Introductory Mathematics
Erin Chapman, PhD – Clinical Associate Professor & Faculty Senator, College of Agricultural & Life Sciences
Dan Eveleth, PhD – Professor, College of Business & Economics
Annette Folwell, PhD - Professor and Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies, CLASS
Charles Goebel, PhD - Professor and Department Head, College of Natural Resources
Jenny LeBeau, Executive Director of Academic Success Programs
Brian Smentkowski, PhD – Professor & Director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning
Bill Smith, PhD - Clinical Professor, CLASS & Director of the Martin Institute
Krista Soria, PhD – Assistant Professor, College of Education, Health & Human Services
Tao Xing, PhD, PE – Professor, College of Engineering