Raymond J. Dezzani
Raymond J. Dezzani
McClure Hall 305C
Department of Earth and Spatial Sciences
875 Perimeter Drive MS 3025
Moscow, Idaho 83844-3025
- economic geography
- political geography/geopolitics
- globalization
- regional political/economic integration and inequality
- philosophical foundations of geography and spatial processes
- probabilistic political economy
- spatial statistics and modeling
- world-systems perspective
- spatially-explicit evolutionary processes/landscape genetics.
- Courtney M. Thompson and Raymond J. Dezzani (2020) “Examining relationships between traditional vulnerability data proxies and hurricane risk perception indicators.” Journal of Risk Research
- Courtney M. Thompson. Raymond J. Dezzani. Steven M. Radil (2019) “Modeling multiscalar influences on natural hazards vulnerability: a proof of concept using coastal hazards in Sarasota County, Florida”. GeoJournal https://doi.org/10.1007/s10708-019-10070- w(0123456789().,-volV()0123456789().,-volV)
- Flint, C and Dezzani R (2018) State Maneuver in the Capitalist World-Economy: A Political Geography of Contextualized Agency. Environment and Planning A: Economy ad Space.
- Flint, Colin and Dezzani, Raymond (2018) “Defining and Operationalizing Context Through a Structural Political Geography for International Relations.” In: The Oxford research Encyclopedia of Politics. William Thompson (editor) March 2017. Oxford University Press. DOI:10.1093/acrefore/9780190228637.013.534
- Steven M. Radil, Raymond J. Dezzani & Lanny D. McAden (2016/2017) Geographies of U.S. Police Militarization and the Role of the 1033 Program, The Professional Geographer, DOI:10.1080/00330124.2016.1212666. Print: March 2017. link:
- Dezzani, Raymond J., and Colin Flint. 2015. “One Logic, Many Wars: The Variety and Geography of Wars in the Capitalist World-Economy 1816-2007.” Pp 121-139 in Immanuel Wallerstein, Christopher Chase-Dunn and Christian Suter (eds.) Overcoming Global Inequalities. Boulder, CO: Paradigm.
- Dezzani RJ, Frazier TG (2015) “The Utility of Structural Approaches for SpatiallyExplicit Hazards and Vulnerability Research.” Journal of Geography and Natural Disasters 5: e117. DOI:10.4172/2167-0587.
- Frazier, T. G., Thompson, C. M., & Dezzani, R. J. (2014). A framework for the development of the SERV model: A Spatially Explicit Resilience-Vulnerability model. Applied Geography, 51(3), 158-172.
- Frazier, Tim G., Courtney M. Thompson, Ray J. Dezzani and Danielle Butsick. 2013. “Spatial and temporal quantification of resilience at the community scale.” Applied Geography 42: 95-107.
- Frazier, T. G., Thompson, C. M., & Dezzani, R. J. (2013). “Development of a Spatially Explicit Vulnerability-Resilience Model for Community Level Hazard Mitigation Enhancement.” Pp13-25 in C. A. Brebbia (Ed.), Disaster Management and Human Health Risk III: Reducing risk, Improving Outcomes. Southampton: WIT Press.
- Dezzani, Raymond L. 2012. “Measuring transition and hierarchy of states within the world-systems paradigm.” Pp 129-138 in Salvatore J. Babones and Christopher ChaseDunn (eds.) Routledge Handbook of World-Systems Analysis. London, UK: Routledge.
- Dezzani, R.J. and Harley Johansen. 2012. “The Role of Direct Foreign Investment as a Structural Development Indicator of the Hierarchical World Economy.” Environment and Planning A, v.44: 580-604.
- Plummer, P. and R.J. Dezzani. 2012. “Probabilistic Political Economy in geographical Context.” Environment and Planning A, v.44: 513-517.
- Murphy, M., Dezzani, R., Pilliod, D. and Storfer, A. 2010. “Landscape genetics of high mountain frog metapopulations.” Molecular Ecology, 19: 3634-3649. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2010.04723.x
- Dezzani, R.J. 2010. “Spatially Integrated Social Science.” In Barney Warf, editor,. Encyclopedia of Geography. Sage. Expected publication date: 9/21/2010. (accepted, forthcoming).
- Dezzani, R.J., and Chase-Dunn, C.K. 2010. “The Geography of World Cities.” In Robert Denemark et. al. eds. The International Studies Compendium Project. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. (accepted, forthcoming).
- Perry, E.M., Dezzani, R.J., Seavert, C.F., Pierce, F.J. 2009. “Spatial Variation in Tree Characteristics and Yield in a Pear Orchard.” Precision Agriculture, (accepted, forthcoming).
- Balkenhol, N., Waits, L.P., Dezzani, R.J. 2009. “Statistical Approaches in Landscape Genetics: An Evaluation of Methods for Linking Landscape and Genetic Data.” Ecography, (accepted, forthcoming).
- Robinson, S., Waits, L., Dezzani, R.J. 2009. “Evaluating genetic Structure of Black Bears on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, Using Global and Local Spatial Statistics.” Molecular Ecology, (accepted, forthcoming).
- Delmelle, E. and Dezzani, R.J. 2009. “Overview, Classification and Selection of Map Projections for Geospatial Applications.” In Karimi, H.A. editor, Handbook of Research in Geoinformatics, pp 89-98. Information Science Reference, Hershey, NY.
- Storfer, A. Murphy, M., Evans, J.S., Goldberg, C.S., Robinson, S., Spear, S.F., Dezzani, R.J., Delmelle, E., Vierling, L. and Waits, L. 2007. “Putting the ‘Landscape’ in Landscape Genetics.” Heredity, 98: 128-142.
- Dezzani, R.J. 2006. “The Welfare Benefits of Proximity: The Economic Gains From Trade Bloc Membership.” In Kobayashi, K, Lakshmanan, T.R., Anderson, W.P. Structural Change in Transportation and Communications in the Knowledge Society, pp 61-88. Edward Elgar Ltd. Northampton, MA.
- Dezzani, R. J. and Lakshmanan, T.R. 2005. “Recreating Secure Spaces.” In Pitzl, G. R. editor, Annual Editions: Geography, pp20-23. Amended, reprinted version. McGraw-Hill/Dushkin. Dubuque, IA.
- Dezzani, Ray and T.R. Lakshmanan. 2003. “Recreating Secure Spaces”. In Cutter, S.L., Richardson, D.B. and T.J. Wilbanks editors The Geographical Dimensions of Terrorism, pp 169-177. Routledge, New York.
- Dezzani, R.J. 2002. Stability Analysis Of World Economic Regions. Journal of Regional Science, 42(3): 595-625.
- Dezzani, R.J., and A. Al-Dousari. 2001 “Spatial analysis in a Markov random field framework: The case of burning oil wells in Kuwait.” Journal of Geographical Systems, 3: 387-409.
- Dezzani, R.J. 2001. "Classification Analysis of World Economic Regions" Geographical Analysis, 33(4): 330-352.
- Chou, Y.H., Liu, P.S., Dezzani, R.J. 1999. "Terrain Complexity and Reduction of Topographic Data." Geographical Systems. 1(2): 179-198. Dezzani, Raymond J. Page 6
- Minnich, R.A., Vizcaino, E.F., and R.J. Dezzani. 1999. "The El Niño/Southern Oscillation and Precipitation Variability in Baja California, Mexico." Atmosfera, 13: 1-20.
- Kaufmann, R., Snell, S., Gopal, S., R. Dezzani. 1999. "The Significance of Synoptic Patterns Identified by the Kirchoffer Technique: A Monte Carlo Approach." International Journal of Climatology. May 1999.
- Minnich, R.A., and Dezzani, R.J. 1998. "Historical Decline of Coastal Sage Scrub in the Riverside-Perris Plain, California. Western Birds. 29(4):
- Chou, Y.H., Dezzani, R.J., Minnich, R.A., and Chase, R. 1995. Correction of Surface Area Using Digital Elevation Models. Geographical Systems. 2(2): 131-151.
- Chou, Y.H., Minnich, R.A., and Dezzani, R.J. 1993. "Do Fire Sizes Differ Between Southern California and Baja California?" Forest Science. 39(4): 835-844.
- Chou, Y.H., Minnich, R.A., Salazar, L.A., Power, J.D., Dezzani, R.J. 1990. "Spatial Autocorrelation of Wildfire Distribution in the Idyllwild Quadrangle, San Jacinto Mountain, California". Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing. November 1990. Vol. 56, No. 11, pp. 1507-1513.