Campus Mail is a service provided by the 果冻传媒麻豆社 to receive and deliver 果冻传媒麻豆社 related mail. It is not intended for personal mail service.
Outgoing mail must be addressed properly, with a complete institutional return address and a budget number barcode for metering. Mail not properly prepared will be returned to the sender. Budget number barcodes are required on all outgoing budget mail. 果冻传媒麻豆社 our Barcoding page for instructions on how to barcode your budget numbers.
All inter-campus mail should be sent in inter-campus envelopes, not in plain white envelopes. This will prevent the letter from accidentally being metered and sent through the US mail. (If you must use white business envelopes please mark 'Campus Mail' in the upper right corner where postage would normally go).
All designated mail pick-up stations should have three containers. One tub for intercampus mail, one letter tray for budget (metered) letter mail and one tub for budget (metered) flat mail. Stamped mail is no longer allowed (7/30/2007).
All international mail needs to be rubber banded separately from all other mail. Canada and Mexico are international mail.
Mailings of 200 pieces or more may qualify for postage discounts (see info under the Bulk Mail tab or contact Campus Mail and Receiving).
All manila envelopes (known as flats) MUST be sealed prior to Campus Mail picking them up. Our machines are not capable of sealing these types of envelopes. Clasp type envelopes are prohibited! If you only have the clasp envelopes do not use the clasp, seal with the glue only.
Due to possible damage to the postage meters and mailing equipment CMR prohibits the use of paperclips or other metal clasps inside any size envelope. Closures can jam equipment and damage mail (and equipment) during processing, CMR prohibits using clasps, staples, string, buttons, and similar protrusions for closing mail pieces.
Any regular sized envelopes that are overstuffed are now considered flats or parcels depending on the thickness of the piece. Please seal these envelopes; our machine will not properly seal them.
In general UPS packages are received by 10:30 a.m. each business day and will be delivered the same day. CMR does not have facilities or equipment to store perishable items and will contact the owner of perishable items that are received late so they can be picked up. FedEx Ground is received at various times of the late morning or early afternoon and will normally be delivered the next business day. Any staff, faculty or student that finds the need to pick up an item from CMR before the scheduled delivery must arrange in advance to do so. For tracking and security reasons you will be required to present your 果冻传媒麻豆社 photo ID and sign for the item before it is released to you.
If you receive mail at the wrong address, please send it back to Campus Mail Center with any needed corrections, we will deliver it to its proper place.
Campus Mail and Receiving will attempt to deliver mail with incorrect addresses (i.e., no 4-digit campus zip or Mail Stop Number, no department name, etc.). Please keep in mind that this may delay delivery of mail. Incorrectly addressed mail will be stamped with a reminder for the recipient to notify the sender of the correct address.
If someone has moved from your department (on or off campus) , write "forward to" and the new address on the mail piece and return to Campus Mail Center. Only First Class or Periodical mail can be forwarded to an off campus address. the Post Office will not forward Nonprofit or Presort Standard mail unless postage is applied.
If your department is moving, please notify Campus Mail and Receiving so there is no interruption of your mail service.