4-H Youth Development
Welcome to 4-H in Valley County. 4-H provides youth with a large spectrum of hands-on projects to enhance their education and life skills.
4-H prepares young people to step up to challenges in their community and the world. Using programming designed for positive youth development, 4-H youths get the real world experience they need to be leaders.
Check our 4-H calendar for events.
4-H is open year-round to youth ages five to 18 without regard to race, creed, gender, marital status, handicaps or disadvantages, economic or ethnic backgrounds.
Participants age eight to 18 are eligible for all 4-H programs, including competitive activities and events. Ages 5-7 are eligible to participate in Cloverbuds.
Individuals older than 18 who have special needs are eligible if they are still enrolled in high school.
4-H age is the age of the individual on Jan. 1 of the current 4-H year (which runs from Oct. 1 to Sept. 30).
Cloverbuds is an educational program for children ages 5 to 7. It introduces youth to 4-H in a fun, non-competitive way.
- If your child is new to 4-H, take a minute to see the different topic areas we cover on our 4-H state website. If you are a new 4-H member joining a year-long club, we recommend starting with just one project your first year.
- Contact the UI Extension, Valley County office at 208-382-7190 or at valley@uidaho.edu to tell us what clubs or projects your child is interested in.
- Our office will contact our club leaders (who are caring adult volunteers) to help place you in a 4-H club. Please know that many of our club enrollments fill up fast. If the club you want to join is already filled or you don’t see the projects you’re looking for, please contact us about starting a new 4-H club.
- After receiving a confirmation of 4-H club placement from the UI Extension office or 4-H club leader, enroll for your selected club and project through the .
Please note that all Large Livestock and Horse projects have an enrollment deadline of February 28, in order to participate in the Valley County Fair. Please call the Valley County Extension office (208-382-7190) for details. - Pay youth enrollment fees by mailing to 果冻传媒麻豆社 Extension, Valley County, P.O. Box 510, Cascade, ID 83611. Cost is $30 per youth.
- Your youth is now an active 4-H member. Welcome.
Enrollment fees cover project books, insurance coverage and the state participation fee of $15.
- Regular or horse members: $30
- Cloverbuds: free
Pay Fees
There are several ways to pay your fees:
- Pay your 4-H leader (check payable to Valley County 4-H)
- Pay at the UI Extension, Valley County office (check payable to Valley County 4-H)
The USDA Farm Service Agency offers a .
Shawna Anderson, Farm Loan Officer, writes, “the loan program is targeted for rural youth who are 10–20 years of age who operate income producing projects modest in size in connection with their participation in 4-H, FFA and similar organizations. Possible projects include livestock and crop production. The repayment ability would be based on the type of project. For example, if the youth received a loan to purchase a steer for a fair project, the loan would be paid in full after the animal was sold at the fair. The interest rates vary periodically based upon the cost of money to the government but once the loan is closed, the interest rate is fixed.”
The rates have been low in the past. The aim is to help all participants take a livestock or crop project that would like to.
For more information about the loan and/or application packet, please contact Alysson Statz at astatz@uidaho.edu or 208-382-7190.
For information on the Valley County 4-H program, please contact Alysson Statz at astatz@uidaho.edu.