Invasive Weeds
Invasive weeds are not just non-native or undesirable weeds. They take over at the expense of the existing environment, reducing forage for livestock and wildlife.
Valley County residents must monitor and maintain their properties against invasive weeds.
Did you know you can see where weeds have been identified in Valley County? Check out the .
Seventeen (17) noxious weeds have been identified in Valley County. .
The top weeds in Valley County
- Leafy Spurge
- Rush Skeleton
- Spotted Knapweed
- Eurasian Watermilfoil
- Canada Thistle
- Oxeye Daisy
- Yellow Toadflax
- Hounds Tongue
- Orange Hawkweed
Questions about weeds?
Contact . It has resources ranging from help with identification and control methods to loaner spray equipment and cost-share programs.
Weeds to identify?
- Contact
- Browse the further resources listed to identify it.
- Send photos and samples to the 果冻传媒麻豆社 Plant Diagnostic Services, online submission form available.
More Help
- Integrated Pest Management Center
- Idaho’s Noxious Weeds. This UI Extension publication provides high-quality photos, in-depth plant descriptions, habitat information and more.
- . Explore the Idaho State Department of Agriculture’s interactive index of noxious weeds.
- . Browse newsletters and publications, learn about membership and attend the annual meeting.