Other Extension Programs
The resources below reach beyond Valley County. Contact us to tap into the vast knowledge of Extension professionals across the state. Our practical education and research supports agriculture, natural resources, youth, families, communities and the environment.
Health and Finance
The goal of family and consumer sciences is to improve the quality of life for adults, children and families through research-based data. Its key areas include healthy lifestyles, nutrition, food safety and financial management.
Family Finance
The UI Extension, Latah County Family Finance website offers classroom-style presentations where participants are given valuable, research-based information.
Aging and Retirement
Financial planning is the cornerstone of retirement planning. Planning allows you more satisfaction and security in retirement.
Marriage and Parenting
Parenting is for life. It is a complicated job, and you’re on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. However, research shows that we provide a solid foundation for effective parenting when we take care of ourselves.
The publication “” helps parents take care of their own needs in order to continue meeting the family’s needs.
New Dietary Guidelines for Families
The U.S. Department of Agriculture launched in 2011 to replace the food pyramid.
Watch this USDA contest entry on a budget.
UI Extension/CALS Publications and Multimedia Catalog
Our Publications and Multimedia Catalog lists many more publications about family finance, food safety and preservation, aging and retirement or marriage and parenting available to download or order.
Agriculture and Horticulture
- Request for Insect Identification (Word) or (PDF)
- Plant Problem form (PDF)
- Idaho Gardens Landscapes and Gardens
- Idaho Master Gardeners
- Idaho Integrated Pest Management includes options for Pesticide Safety Education
- : Browse licensing information and view the pesticide licensing guide
- You can attend a local training organized by the Valley County weed superintendent each spring. If you would like to learn more about local pesticide education or need pesticide applicator license credits, reach out to Steve to attend these trainings.
Steve Anderson
Valley County Weed Superintendent
office phone: 208-382-7199
cell phone: 208-315-0368
Soil Testing
The Analytical Sciences Laboratory can test your soil samples. Check their price list and consult the Procedure for Collecting and Submitting a Soil Sample. Follow their online instructions on submissions. Contact us to arrange interpretation of the results.
Treasure Valley FCS Newsletter
Subscribe by emailing us your name and email address.
National Network
Topic area blogs and articles, ask an expert and webinars.