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05.08 - Vehicle Coverage and Use


  • Position: Risk Manager
  • Email: risk@uidaho.edu

Last updated: October 25, 2024


A. Definitions
B. Policy
C. Process
D. Information

A. Definitions.

A-1. Accident Claims Kit. An auto accident kit includes a State of Idaho auto accident report guide, a citizen’s claim procedure form, and a State of Idaho certificate of financial responsibility.

A-2. Certificate of Financial Responsibility. A document provided by the State of Idaho Risk Management Program that provides proof of University coverage for liability, property, or auto.

A-3. Coach Courtesy Vehicle. Vehicle provided by donor or dealership to coach.

A-4. Collision Insurance. Collision insurance covers damage to the operator’s vehicle through impact with another object when the operator’s vehicle is in motion or is struck while parked, and (1) when the impact is the fault of the operator; (2) when the other driver is at fault, but is uninsured; or (3) as a result of a hit-and-run accident.

A-5. Comprehensive Insurance. Comprehensive insurance covers damage to the operator’s vehicle that occurs from causes other than a collision with another vehicle or a stationary object. Examples include fire and vandalism.

A-6. Contracted Rental Agency. Accounts Payable, through the State of Idaho Purchasing, has contracted with rental vehicle companies to provide consistent pricing, insurance coverage provisions, and other benefits. See U of I Accounts Payable’s website for details.

A-7. Driving Performance. Actions of a driver while in control of a motor vehicle. Unsatisfactory driving-related performance is action or inaction that could cause harm to the driver, the passengers, the vehicle, or other vehicles and their passengers.

A-8. Idaho Tort Claims Act. The Idaho Tort Claims Act (Idaho Code 6-901 through 6-929), in addition to other provisions, established the State of Idaho Risk Management Program and charged that agency with the management of a retained-risk fund.

A-9. Large Trucks and Moving Vans. Vehicles larger in size that in some cases require special operator training and licensing through the State of Idaho.

A-10. Liability Insurance. Liability insurance covers damages to the person or property of another through the fault of the operator of a vehicle.

A-11. Medical Payments Coverage. Medical payments coverage covers the medical, hospital, and funeral expenses of an insured, others in the vehicles, and pedestrians struck by the insured. It provides a limited amount (usually $5,000) of first-dollar insurance for medical expenses for injuries to passengers. Payments are available regardless of fault.

A-12. Motor Pool. University units that own a University vehicle may wish to rent the vehicle to other University units.

A-13. Non-Owned and Hired Auto Liability. Non-owned and hired auto liability coverage will pay for damages to a third party, on behalf of the University, when a University driver causes an accident or an injury to someone while driving a rented vehicle or non-owned vehicle for University business.

A-14. Rental Vehicle. A passenger vehicle, pickup, or SOHV rented in the name of the University for official University purposes.

A-15. Specialty Off-Highway Vehicles. A specialty off-highway vehicle (SOHV) includes but is not limited to All Terrain Vehicles (ATV), golf carts, or similar vehicles.

A-16. State RMP. State of Idaho Risk Management program of risk and insurance, administered by State of Idaho.

A-17. Texting. Reading from or entering data into any handheld or other electronic device, including for the purpose of SMS texting, social media communications, e-mailing, instant messaging, obtaining navigational information, or engaging in any other form of electronic data retrieval or electronic data communication. Texting includes use of voice-operated or hands-free devices that allow the user to review, prepare and transmit a text message without the use of either hand except to activate, deactivate or initiate a feature or function.

A-18. University Vehicle. Any licensed vehicle or SOHV owned, rented, or leased by UI for official University purposes, and any coach courtesy vehicle when used for official University purposes.

A-19. University-Owned Vehicle. A vehicle (including SOHV) licensed and titled in the name of the University.

A-20. Volunteer. Authorized volunteers are persons who are not employees of the University but who have been asked to perform a specific function on a volunteer basis (see Standards for Departments Using Volunteer Services).

B. Policy.

B-1. In General. University vehicles may only be used for official University business. Units possessing and individuals operating a University vehicle will adhere to this policy and the Standards for University Owned, Rented or Leased Vehicle Use and Coverage.

B-2. Insurance Coverage for University Vehicles. Coverage for University Vehicles is through the State of Idaho Risk Management Program (State RMP). Units are responsible for deductibles and damage not covered through the State RMP. University Vehicles must be enrolled in full coverage if 20 years or newer and liability coverage if 21 years or older. See Standards for University Owned, Rented or Leased Vehicle Use and Coverage for coverage process and exceptions.

B-3. Restriction on Passengers. Medical payments coverage is not carried on University vehicles. For this reason, University policy restricts passengers in University vehicles to only the following persons: U of I employees, persons cooperating in U of I projects or programs, and students participating in authorized travel.

B-4. Coach Courtesy Vehicles. Coach courtesy vehicles used solely for University business purposes must be covered by the University for liability and physical damages with the dealership being listed as loss payee, and the coach must qualify to operate the vehicle per requirements for use of a U of I owned, rented or leased vehicle. Coach courtesy vehicles used for both personal business and business purposes must be covered by the coach’s personal automobile policy; in this case, the coach does not need to qualify to operate the coach courtesy vehicle per requirements for use of a U of I owned, rented or leased vehicle.

B-5. Purchasing Vehicles. Units acquiring vehicles, equipment, SOHVs or trailers that involve a title for ownership must:

a) Process purchase through Purchasing Services,

b) Ensure that each vehicle has an auto accident kit,

c) Post cautionary, safe-use guideline signs provided by Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) in conspicuous locations in all 8-12 passenger vans and SOHVs,

d) Immediately report all accidents to Risk,

e) Assist Risk in any accident investigation,

f) Maintain vehicles as per EHS requirements,

g) Have each vehicle inspected by a qualified inspector annually,

h) Ensure that each University-owned vehicle is equipped with a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher; and

i) Adhere to the Standards for University Owned, Rented or Leased Vehicle Use and Coverage.

B-6. 15-Passenger Vans. The University does not allow the purchase, rental, or use of any 15-passenger vans, whether new or used.

B-7. Motor Pool Requirements. A motor pool’s requirements for use of its vehicles may be more restrictive than University requirements but may not be less restrictive. Units wishing to rent vehicles to other University units must consult with Risk before the rental occurs.

B-8. Rentals. Rental vehicle drivers must meet driver qualifications as set forth in B-10. Whenever possible, rentals must be arranged for by visiting Accounts Payable’s Travel Services website, which provides for rentals through contracted rental companies. Renters may purchase rental car agency insurance (liability and physical damage) only if the unit is unwilling to pay the comprehensive and collision deductibles charged by the State RMP; the vehicle is rented outside the United States; the rented vehicle is a large truck or moving van; or if any passenger is not covered by student insurance or by worker’s compensation insurance. Contact Risk for assistance if rental through contracted rental companies is not available in area or when renting a large truck or moving van.

B-9. Privately Owned Vehicles. Vehicles titled to individuals or privately-owned vehicles are not covered by the State RMP’s comprehensive or collision coverage. Passengers in a privately owned vehicle may be covered through insurance coverage maintained by the owner of the private vehicle. The non-University vehicle’s insurance is primary. Up to the limit of the Idaho Tort Claims Act ($500,000), the University’s liability coverage is excess covering the University for non-owned and hired auto liability. The University’s liability coverage would not cover the driver’s personal liability. Drivers of a non-University vehicle for official University business are responsible for compliance with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations applicable to vehicle operation and shall not use mobile phones or other electronic devices while operating a vehicle, including but not limited to using such devices for texting.

B-10. Driver Qualifications. All drivers, including volunteers, must comply with the Standards for University Owned, Rented or Leased Vehicle Use and Coverage and all policies regarding qualification to operate University Vehicles, including rental vehicles. A driver may be disqualified based on their driving performance. Employee drivers who become disqualified a second time may be subject to permanent revocation of driving privileges and disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. See the Standards for University Owned, Rented or Leased Vehicle Use and Coverage for details on qualifications.

C. Process. See the Standards for University Owned, Rented or Leased Vehicle Use and Coverage for step-by-step instruction for policy compliance, processes and the completion of applicable forms.

D. Information. Information and forms for the use of vehicles, driver requirements, or vehicle coverage are available on the Risk Management and Insurance website. Any questions regarding vehicles should be referred to Risk by emailing UI-Risk@edu.idaho.gov.

Version History

Amended October 2024. Update to the contact email address.

Campus Locations

Physical Address:
Bruce M. Pitman Center
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4264
Moscow, ID 83844-4264

Phone: 208-885-6111

Fax: 208-885-9119