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Parking Events and Services

Attending Moscow Campus Events

Parking and transportation information for major campus events like Vandal Football Games can be found in Signature Events. If the event you will be attending is not listed, please contact us at 208-885-6424.

Planning Moscow Campus Events

We are here to help make your event a success! Regardless of the size of the event, event organizers should always contact Parking and Transportation Services to make parking arrangements at least seven calendar days prior to the event date. Late requests may incur additional fees or may not be able to be completed as requested. Please note: event transportation options are available to university-sponsored events or programs only, and approval is at the discretion of PTS. To request any of the following event services, please fill out the Event Request Form.

Services and Offerings

For event pricing, the total number of event signs, directional signs, cones and barricades requested are added together, then priced depending on the overall number requested. Parking and Transportation Services prices events as outlined below. Quotes are available by request. Base prices for events follow:

  • Small (fewer than five event signs, directional signs, cones and/or barricades): $15 set-up per event
  • Medium (Six to 15 event signs, directional signs, cones and/or barricades): $25 set-up per event
  • Large (Sixteen or more event signs, directional signs, cones and/or barricades): $50 set-up per event

Additionally, if staffing is requested (or deemed necessary by PTS) for an event, it is billed at $40/hour with a three-hour minimum.

  • Event Parking Map (PDF format): $50.
    • Designed specifically for your event; highlighting buildings, parking locations, special transportation routes, etc.
  • Sandwich Boards: $5 each plus set-up fee.
  • Campus Directional Signage: ask for a quote!
    • Signs can be placed at major entry points directing patrons to specific event parking areas.

  • Reserved Parking, per individual space: $20/half day and $40/full day.
    • Individual reserved spaces near your event.
  • Reserved Lot or Lot Fall-Back: ask for a quote!
    • Expecting a lot of attendees? Reserve an entire lot or schedule a lot "fall-back," meaning the lot is neither reserved for the event nor enforced during the event.
  • Special Event Permits: First 20 = $4 each; $1 each thereafter.
    • Customized permits designed with your event's logo, printed by PTS and distributed by your event's organizer.
  • Event Scratch-off Permits: $5/day/permit.
    • A flexible, fun option (non-refundable).

  • Vandal Trolley Rental: $110/hour with 2-hour minimum (includes driver). Stand-by time is $40/hour.
    • A guest favorite: trolley-style bus that can run on biodiesel.
    • Accommodates 32 seated riders.
  • Joe Bus: $110/hour with 2-hour minimum (includes driver). Stand-by time is $40/hour.
    • New "Vandalized" 22-seat bus with heat, AC and wheelchair lift.

Contact Us

Physical Address:

1006 Railroad Street
Rm 135
Moscow, ID

Office hours:
M-F, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Office hours during academic breaks:
M-F, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Phone: 208-885-6424

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Dr.
MS 4106
Moscow, ID