Participant Support Costs
Participant Support Costs are those costs paid to or on behalf of personnel benefitting from conferences, meetings, workshops or similar events. Generally participants are not U of I employees, but in certain circumstances they can be employees. These costs may include stipends for trainees/participants; travel, if the event is the sole purpose for the trip; subsistence (per diem and/or housing or lodging); and any other fees required for participation. Providers of training and/or services are typically not defined as participants. See APM 45.06 for additional guidance.
All participant support funds awarded will be budgeted to primary expense category 32 in Banner. For projects using the Modified Total Direct Costs methodology, participant support costs are not charged indirect costs (review the award terms or proposal guidelines for information). Many agencies will not allow re-budgeting from participant support to other expense categories without prior agency approval. See Project Changes Requiring Prior Approval from Sponsor for guidance.
Additional detail located at website.