Ecology & Conservation Biology
Career Guide
Here are just a few of the jobs you can get with this degree.
Work to reverse the trends of species extinction and loss of natural habitat. The growing field combines science such as biology and chemistry with leadership and communication skills needed to engage the public. You can work for agencies and nonprofit organizations, in the wild and in confined habitats like zoos.
Direct individual conservation programs within a larger organization. Day-to-day management includes not only general operations but also finance and personnel management. As specialist in a particular area, you are the ultimate resource.
Study all plant life, big and small. You can work in an educational setting, teaching and researching. You can also do practical works such as work at botanical gardens, arboretums, zoos or herbariums.
Use your natural science training to protect the environment and human health. You may work in offices or laboratories, or in the field to gather data and monitor conditions. Median pay: $63,570 per year.
Interpret the issues, statues, regulations and laws that impact our natural resources and environment in the courtroom as an environmental lawyer. This is an exciting, fast-changing field that will keep you at the edge of environmental protection rules.
Help protect lands from foreign species that can be harmful to the future ecology of the area. Your understanding of ecological relationships will allow you to identify invasive species and plan strategies for the future health of the land.
Combine natural and social science with your research skills to improve relationships between landscapes and things that impact them. These can include natural factors such as climate change and ecology to human influences such as agriculture or urban development.
Because of its interdisciplinary character and senior thesis requirement, ECB provides a uniquely targeted preparation for entry into graduate studies in Conservation and Ecology.
Degree Options
Known for its rigorous courses, this degree requires your attention to course offerings and laboratory experiences as well as planning for the senior project.
Options within this degree may get you closer to your goals.
Natural Resources Ecology
If your passion is for the bigger picture of entire ecosystems, this path may be right for you.
Conservation Biology
If your passion is focused on individual species of animals or plants and its conservation, this path may be right for you.
Course Checksheets
Download course checksheets for the current academic year | Conservation Biology | Natural Resource Ecology
Your degree may also be enhanced with a or one of our other programs. Many of our classes cross over and help you build minor credits.
For detailed information, please visit the and its options.