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College of Natural Resources

Physical Address:
975 W. 6th Street
Moscow, Idaho

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1138
Moscow, ID 83844-1138

Phone: 208-885-8981

Fax: 208-885-5534

Email: cnr@uidaho.edu

Web: College of Natural Resources



Tara Hudiburg - Climate change
R. Robberecht - Consequences of stratosphere ozone depletion: integration from molecule to global scales
Dennis Scarnecchia - Climate and changing fish life histories
Lee Vierling - Global change

Alistair Smith - Smoke emissions and air quality


Courtney Conway - Conservation biology
Brian Dennis - Conservation biology
Ryan Long - Ecology and conservation of large mammals
Michael Quist - Ecology and conservation of fishes
Janet Rachlow - Conservation of fragmented populations, ungulate biology
Lisette Waits - Endangered species ecology and management

Lisette Waits - Conservation genetics

Andrew Kliskey - Social-ecological systems and place-based science
Karla Eitel - Residential environmental education
Travis Paveglio - Conservation-based collective action
Nick Sanyal - Conservation planning, community planning

Nick Sanyal - Planning and behavior, survey research

Anthony S. Davis - Restoration of degraded forests


Courtney Conway - Life history evolution
Ryan Long - Physiological ecology of endotherms, biophysical ecology
Michael Quist - Applied fish ecology
Tara Hudiburg - Ecosystem ecology
Leda Kobziar - Plant community ecology
R. Robberecht - Ecology and systems ecology
Eva Strand - Spatial ecology
Lee Vierling - Spatial ecology
Lisette Waits - Molecular ecology

Courtney Conway - Behavioral ecology

Brian Kennedy - Biogeochemical tracers in aquatic systems
Tara Hudiburg - Biogeochemistry
Lee Vierling - Biogeochemistry

Alistair Smith - Field and remote sensing of severity
Leda Kobziar - Fuels management, soil ecology

Tara Hudiburg - Ecosystem ecology
Timothy E. Link - Vegetation atmosphere interactions
Penelope Morgan - Landscape ecology
Eva Strand - Applied landscape ecology
Lee Vierling - Landscape ecology

Brian Dennis - Statistical ecology, mathematical modeling, theoretical ecology, population dynamics
R. Robberecht - Scientific visualization and modeling (integration of ecological processes, molecule to globe)

R. Robberecht - Ecophysiology (physiological plant ecology)
Alistair Smith - Physiological responses to fire
Lee Vierling - Physiological ecology and remote sensing

Anthony S. Davis - Restoration of degraded forests
Leda Kobziar - Fire restoration, prescribed burning
R. Robberecht - Ecology and systems ecology


Luigi Boschetti - Global carbon cycle
Tara Hudiburg - Carbon cycle science
Leda Kobziar - Fire effects on soil carbon

Penelope Morgan - Fire ecology and management
Leda Kobziar - Fire ecology, fuels management, prescribed fire, effects on soil, bioaerosol microbial ecology
Kerri Vierling - Fire ecology/disturbance ecology

Alistair Smith - Combustion physics and dynamics

Dennis Becker - State and Federal public land policy
Travis Paveglio - Wildfire planning, mitigation, suppression and recovery

Dennis Becker - Bioenergy from biomass
Randy Brooks - Biofuels
Paul Gessler - Wildland fire fuels and hazard mapping
Armando McDonald - Fuels from biomass, pyrolysis, synthetic gas
Travis Paveglio - Risk mapping and vulnerability

Luigi Boschetti - Global biomass burning, remote sensing of fire
Leda Kobziar - Fire management
Penelope Morgan - Fire ecology and management

Alistair Smith - Smoke and air quality
Leda Kobziar - Smoke microbial ecology


Christine Moffitt - Aquaculture chemical efficacy and approval, fisheries history
Michael Quist - Fish population dynamics and assessment; biological assessment
Dennis Scarnecchia - Stock assessment and management, fish population dynamics and stock assessment

Christine Moffitt - Invasive species biology and management
Michael Quist - Fish assemblage structure and function

Andrew Nelson - Production ecology
Michael Quist - Applied fish ecology, community ecology
Dennis Scarnecchia - Ecology, large river ecology and fisheries, salmon, trout and charr ecology

Christopher C. Caudill - Habitat use and life history of juvenile fall Chinook salmon in Snake River reservoirs
Christine Moffitt - Physiological responses of fish populations to increasing water temperatures
Michael Quist - Fish habitat interactions
Dennis Scarnecchia - Fish habitat relationships in rivers, streams, lakes and reservoirs

Kenneth Cain - Aquaculture vaccine development, immunology / pathology, health / diseases, molecular diagnostics
Christine Moffitt - Host-parasite interactions, disease interactions of cultured and wild fish, health and management of anadromous fish in hatcheries and in the wild

Michael Quist - Fisheries management
Dennis Scarnecchia - Fisheries management

Christopher C. Caudill - Influence of dams on migration behavior and success of adult salmon and steelhead, improving upstream passage conditions for adult Pacific lamprey at dams on the Columbia and Snake Rivers
Dennis Scarnecchia - Migrations and movements of Salmon, trout, charr, paddlefish, sturgeon and other fish species.

Kenneth Cain - Aquaculture development (new species)
Michael Quist - Ecology and management of native and nonnative fishes
Dennis Scarnecchia - Paddlefish and sturgeon biology, salmon, trout and charr ecology and management


Dennis Becker - State and Federal biomass utilization policy, bioenergy project assessment
Luigi Boschetti - Global biomass burning
Randy Brooks - Forest biomass utilization
Mark Coleman - Bioenergy feedstock production, intensive silviculture, below ground processes
Armando McDonald - Development of biobased fuels from biomass (including pyrolysis and synthesis gas upgrading to gasoline)
Lee Vierling - Remote sensing of biomass

Randy Brooks - Biofuels
Armando McDonald - Biopolymers and bioplastics synthesis/biosynthesis from waste streams, biobased composite materials research (including fiber modifications and product prototype development), development of biobased fuels from biomass (including pyrolysis and synthesis gas upgrading to gasoline), understanding wood/xylem formation using a combined biochemistry/proteomics approach

Tara Hudiburg - Carbon cycle science
Luigi Boschetti - Global carbon cycle
Lee Vierling - Remote sensing of carbon cycle

Randy Brooks - Forest insects and diseases
George Newcombe - Fungal pathogens of Populus and Salix: their taxonomy, ecology, and distributions, Endophyte mutualists of forest trees, Hyperparasitism

Anthony S. Davis - Improving nursery production practices of native plants
George Newcombe - Plant-soil feedback in plant invasions

Randy Brooks - Forest herbicides, forest operations
Robert Keefe - Forest operations, forest operations modeling, forest management and planning, growth and yield

Thomas M. Gorman - Wood quality
Robert Keefe - Forest management and planning, growth and yield

Anthony S. Davis - Restoration of degraded forests, effects of environmental stresses on seedling growth and development
Mark Coleman - Forest tree nutrition
Thomas M. Gorman - Small diameter log utilization, sustainable green building practices, energy-efficient wood-framed housing
Robert Keefe - Forest management and planning, growth and yield
Armando McDonald - Biopolymers and bioplastics synthesis/biosynthesis from waste streams, biobased composite materials research (including fiber modifications and product prototype development), development of biobased fuels from biomass (including pyrolysis and synthesis gas upgrading to gasoline), understanding wood/xylem formation using a combined biochemistry/proteomics approach


George Newcombe - Genetics of resistance of woody plants to disease

Kenneth Cain - Proteomics
Lisette Waits - Conservation genetics and molecular ecology

GIS and Remote Sensing

Lee Vierling - Biosphere-Atmosphere interactions, remote sensing
Paul Gessler - Global positioning satellite systems, digital image processing, airborne mapping and environmental monitoring

Eva Strand - GIS applications in natural resources
Alistair Smith - Remote sensing of fire severity and area burned

Luigi Boschetti - Remote sensing of fire, global environmental remote sensing applications
Jan Eitel - Remote sensing of the environment
Paul Gessler - Remote sensing and GIS for forest ecosystem analysis and monitoring
Alistair Smith - LiDAR, reflective, thermal
Lee Vierling - Remote sensing, LiDAR

Paul Gessler - Global positioning satellite systems, digital image processing


Nick Sanyal - Human dimensions of fish and wildlife management
Andrew Kliskey - Human response and adaptation to environmental change, spatial methodologies for understanding coupled natural human systems
Travis Paveglio - Conflict or collaboration surrounding natural resource management; management of hazards

Kenneth Cain - Parasites, host-pathogen interaction
George Newcombe - Invasion biology, exotic pathogens, endophyte inoculations
Christine Moffitt - New Zealand mudsnails, barrier removal
Lisette Waits - Landscape genetics, molecular ecology, molecular systematics

Patrick Wilson - Deregulation and regulation policy
Jim Gosz - Urban to wilderness
Tara Hudiburg - Land use change, land management
Nick Sanyal - Conservation planning
Lee Vierling - Land use change

Steven Daley-Laursen - Technology transfer from scientists to management agencies

Patrick Wilson - Tribal government management of natural resources
Nick Sanyal - Conservation planning; indigenous knowledge


Dennis Becker - Policy analysis

Chris Caudill - Lamprey and river systems
Lisette Waits - Large carnivores, pygmy rabbits
Ken Cain - North American burbot
Brian Dennis - Estimation of growth and extinction parameters
Patrick Wilson - Endangered species policy

Dennis Becker - State and Federal forest policy management
Jo Ellen Force - Forest policy and relationships

Dennis Becker - Policy analysis
Travis Paveglio - Land use policy
Karen Launchbaugh - Land use policy

Patrick Wilson - Energy and water policy


Karen Launchbaugh - Plant-animal interactions, animal behavior

Ryan Long - Resource selection and drought tolerance of large mammals
R. Robberecht - Ecophysiology

Karen Launchbaugh - Targeted grazing, animal behavior
Eva Strand - Landscape and spacial ecology, rangeland ecology
R. Robberecht - Ecology and ecophysiology
Lee Vierling - Range ecology

Penny Morgan - Fire science, fire ecology
Eva Strand - Fire science

Karen Launchbaugh - Grazing management


Karla Eitel - Placed-based environmental education, technology in outdoor learning contexts
Steven Daley-Laursen - Environmental education and leadership theory
Lee Vierling - Environmental education

Andrew Kliskey - Human response and adaptation to environmental change
R. Robberecht - Guided independent learning (use of information technology in science education)
Travis Paveglio - Changing relationships between people and landscapes; human adaptation to environmental change

Lee Vierling - Interdisciplinary Science Education
Travis Paveglio - Environmental Communication and communication studies

Nick Sanyal - Communities and institutions
Patrick Wilson - Recreation Policy

Andrew Kliskey - Spatial approaches for representing Indigenous and Traditional knowledge
Nick Sanyal - Conservation planning; indigenous knowledge; mentoring


Frank Wilhelm - Limnology, ecology of aquatic macroinvertebrates, predator-prey relationships (invert.-invert., fish-invert.), nutrient cycling through benthic-pelagic coupling

Frank Wilhelm - Influence of temperature on life history and reproductive strategies, nutrient cycling through benthic-pelagic coupling
Timothy E. Link - Forest hydrology, snow hydrology, hydrologic modeling

Frank Wilhelm - Lake restoration and management

Brian Kennedy - Bioenergetics and community ecology of streams, ecosystem controls on aquatic processes
Randy Brooks - Water quality and quantity
Frank Wilhelm - Limnology, remediation of harmful algal blooms

Frank Wilhelm - Limnology, remediation of harmful algal blooms


Janet Rachlow - Ungulate biology

Ryan Long - Wildlife population ecology
Janet Rachlow - Wildlife ecology and management, behavioral ecology of mammals
Kerri Vierling - Avian ecology

Courtney Conway - Life history evolution

Kerri Vierling - Role of vegetative structure and composition in assessing animal distributions

Kerri Vierling - Role of vegetative structure and composition in assessing animal distributions
Lee Vierling - 3D mapping of wildlife habitat

Kerri Vierling - Land use effects on animal populations

Courtney Conway - Wildlife management

Brian Dennis - Population dynamics

Ryan Long - Resource selection modeling

¹û¶³´«Ã½Â鶹Éçing Brazil

Jensen Hegg explains his study of sawfish and their teeth.

Contact Us

College of Natural Resources

Physical Address:
975 W. 6th Street
Moscow, Idaho

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1138
Moscow, ID 83844-1138

Phone: 208-885-8981

Fax: 208-885-5534

Email: cnr@uidaho.edu

Web: College of Natural Resources