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College of Natural Resources

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975 W. 6th Street
Moscow, Idaho

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875 Perimeter Drive MS 1138
Moscow, ID 83844-1138

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Email: cnr@uidaho.edu

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David Ausband

David Ausband, Ph.D.

Assistant Unit Leader, Idaho Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit


CNR 102E



Mailing Address

Idaho Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit
College of Natural Resources
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1141
Moscow, ID 83844-1141


  • Ph.D., University of Montana, Fish and Wildlife Biology, 2011-2015
  • M.S., University of Montana, Wildlife Biology, 2003-2005
  • B.S., University of Montana, Wildlife Biology, 2003

Research Interests:

  • Carnivore ecology
  • Behavioral ecology
  • Noninvasive sampling
  • Effects of management actions on wildlife populations

Find out more about how to and the CNR Carnivore Ecology.

Ausband, D.E. 2022. Genetic diversity and mate selection in a reintroduced population of gray wolves. Scientific Reports. 12:1-7.

Sells, S.N., M.S. Mitchell, D.E. Ausband, A.D. Luis, D.J. Emlen, K.M Podruzny, and J.A. Gude. 2022. Economical defense of resources structures territorial space use in a cooperative carnivore. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B. 289. .

Ausband, D.E., and J.M. Krohner. 2022. Carnivores in color: Pelt color patterns among carnivores in Idaho. Journal of Mammalogy.

Sells, S.N., M.S. Mitchell, K.M. Podruzny, D.E. Ausband, K.E. Loonam, and J.A. Gude. 2022. Group size in a cooperative carnivore. Journal of Wildlife Management.

Ausband, D.E. 2022. Inherit the kingdom or storm the castle? Breeding strategies in gray wolves. Ethology. 128:152-158. .

Ausband, D.E., P. Lukacs, M. Hurley, S. Roberts, K. Strickfaden, and A. Moeller. 2022. Estimating wolf abundance using cameras. Ecosphere.13:e3933. .

Ausband, D.E. 2021. Wolf use of human made objects during pup-rearing. Animal Behavior and Cognition. 8:405-414. .

Loonam, K.E., P.M. Lukacs, D.E. Ausband., M.S. Mitchell, and H.S. Robinson. 2021. Assessing the robustness of a new method for estimating wildlife abundance using remote cameras. Ecological Applications. e02388..

Ausband, D.E., and M.S. Mitchell. 2021. The effect of group size on wolf reproduction depends on density. Animal Conservation. 24:994-1000. .

Loonam, K.E., D.E. Ausband, P.M. Lukacs, M.S. Mitchell, and H.S. Robinson. 2020. Estimating abundance of an unmarked, low-density species using camera traps. Journal of Wildlife Management.

Ausband, D.E., and L. Waits. 2020. Does harvest affect genetic diversity in gray wolves? Molecular Ecology. 29: 3187-3195

Ausband, D.E., Bassing, S.B., and M.S. Mitchell. 2020. Environmental and social factors influencing wolf (Canis lupus) howling behavior. Ethology. 126: 890-899.

Bassing, S.B., D.E. Ausband, M.S. Mitchell, M. Schwartz, and L. Waits. 2020. Immigration does not offset harvest mortality in a cooperatively breeding carnivore. Animal Conservation.

Soller, J.M., D.E. Ausband, and M.S. Gunther. 2020. The curse of observer experience: error in noninvasive genetic sampling. PLOS ONE. 15: e0229762.

Clendenin, H.R., J. Adams, D.E. Ausband, J.A. Hayden, P. Hohenloe, and L. Waits. 2020. Combining harvest and genetics to estimate reproduction in wolves. Journal of Wildlife Management. 84: 492-504.

Ausband, D.E. 2019. Pair bonds, reproductive success, and rise of alternate mating strategies in a social carnivore. Behavioural Ecology. 30:1618-1623.

Jacobs, C., and D.E. Ausband. 2019. Wolves in space: locations of individuals and their effect on pup survival in groups of a cooperatively breeding canid. Animal Behaviour. 155:189-197.

Krohner, J., and D.E. Ausband. 2019. Associations between sympatric apex predators across a diverse landscape. Mammal Research. 64:203-212.

Bassing, S.B., D.E. Ausband, M.S. Mitchell, P. Lukacs, A. Keever, G. Hale, and L. Waits. In Press. Stable pack abundance and distribution in a harvested wolf population. Journal of Wildlife Management.

Horne, J., D.E. Ausband, M. Hurley, J. Struthers, J.E. Berg, and K. Groth. 2018. Integrated population model to improve knowledge and management of Idaho wolves. Journal of Wildlife Management.

Ausband, D.E. 2018. Multiple breeding individuals within groups in a social carnivore. Journal of Mammalogy. 99:836-834.

Jacobs, C., and D.E. Ausband. 2018. An evaluation of camera trap performance: What are you missing and does deployment height matter? Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation. doi: 10.1002/rse2.81

Jacobs, C., and D.E. Ausband. 2018. Pup-rearing habitat use in a harvested carnivore. Journal of Wildlife Management. 82:802-809.

Ausband, D.E., M.S. Mitchell, and L. Waits. 2017. Effects of breeder turnover and harvest on group composition and recruitment in a social carnivore. Journal of Animal Ecology. 86:1094-1011.

Ausband, D.E., M.S. Mitchell, C. Stansbury, J.L. Stenglein, and L. Waits. 2017. Harvest and group effects on pup survival in a cooperative breeder. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 284. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2017.0580

Jimenez, M.D., E.E. Bangs, D.K. Boyd, D.W. Smith, S.A. Becker, D.E. Ausband, S.P. Woodruff, E.H. Bradley, J. Holyan, and K. Laudon. 2017. Wolf dispersal in the northern Rocky Mountains, Western United States: 1993-2008. Journal of Wildlife Management. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21238.

Ausband, D.E., M.S. Mitchell, S.B. Bassing, A. Morehouse, D.W. Smith, D.R. Stahler, and J.S. Struthers. 2016. Individual, group, and environmental influences on helping behavior in a social carnivore. Ethology. 122:963-972.

Stansbury, C.R., D.E. Ausband, P. Zager, C.M. Mack, and L.P. Waits. 2016. Identifying gray wolf packs and dispersers using noninvasive genetic samples. Journal of Wildlife Management. 80:1408-1419. Ausband, D.E. 2016. Gray wolf harvest in Idaho. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 40:500-505.

Ausband, D.E., S.B. Bassing, M.S. Mitchell, M. Nordhagen, D.W. Smith, and D.R. Stahler. 2016. Dog days of summer: influences on decision of wolves to move pups. Journal of Mammalogy. 97:1282-1287. Ausband, D.E., C. Stansbury, J.L. Stenglein, J.L. Struthers, and L.P. Waits. 2015. Recruitment in a social carnivore before and after harvest. Animal Conservation 18:415-423.

Stansbury, C.R., D.E. Ausband, P. Zager, C.M. Mack, C.R. Miller, M.W. Pennell, and L.P. Waits. 2014. A long-term population monitoring approach for a wide-ranging carnivore: noninvasive genetic sampling of gray wolf rendezvous sites in Idaho, USA. Journal of Wildlife Management. 78:1040–1049.

Ausband, D.E., L.N. Rich, E.M. Glenn, M.S. Mitchell, P. Zager, and C.M. Mack. 2014. Monitoring gray wolf populations using multiple survey methods. Journal of Wildlife Management. 78:335-346.

Rich, L.N., R.E. Russell, E.M. Glenn, M.S. Mitchell, J.A. Gude, K.M. Podruzny, C.A. Sime, K. Laudon, D.E. Ausband, and J.D. Nichols. 2013. Estimating occupancy and predicting numbers of gray wolf packs in Montana using hunter surveys. Journal of Wildlife Management. 77:1280-1289.

Brennan, A., P.C. Cross, D.E. Ausband, A. Barbknecht, and S. Creel. 2013. Testing automated howling devices in a wintertime wolf survey. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 37:389-393.

Ausband, D.E., M.S. Mitchell, S.B. Bassing, and C. White. 2013. No trespassing: using a biofence to manipulate wolf movements. Wildlife Research. 40:207-216.

Ruprecht, J.S., D.E. Ausband, M.S. Mitchell, E.O. Garton, and P. Zager. 2012. Homesite attendance based on sex, reproductive status and number of helpers in gray wolf packs. Journal of Mammalogy. 93:1001-1005.

Ausband, D.E., J.Skrivseth, and M.S. Mitchell. 2011. An automated device for provoking and capturing wildlife calls. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 35:498-503.

Stenglein J.L., L.P. Waits, D.E. Ausband, P. Zager, and C. Mack. 2011. Estimating gray wolf pack size and family relationships using noninvasive genetic sampling at rendezvous sites. Journal of Mammalogy. 92:784-795.

Ausband, D.E., J. Young, B. Fannin, M.S. Mitchell, J.L. Stenglein, L.P. Waits, and J.A. Shivik. 2011. Hair of the dog: obtaining samples from coyotes and wolves noninvasively. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 35:105-111.

Ausband, D.E. 2010. Book review: The Wolf’s Tooth. The Scientist. 24(8).

Mitchell, M.S., J.A. Gude, D.E. Ausband, C.A. Sime, E.E. Bangs, M.D. Jimenez, C.M. Mack, T.J. Meier, S. Nadeau, and D.W. Smith. 2010. Temporal validation of an estimator for successful breeding pairs of wolves Canis lupus in the U.S. northern Rocky Mountains. Wildlife Biology. 16:101-106.

Ausband, D.E., M.S. Mitchell, K., Doherty, P. Zager, C.M. Mack, and J. Holyan. 2010. Surveying predicted rendezvous sites to monitor gray wolf populations. Journal of Wildlife Management. 74:1043-1049.

Stenglein, J.L., L.P. Waits, D.E. Ausband, P. Zager, and C.M. Mack. 2010. Efficient noninvasive genetic sampling for monitoring reintroduced wolves. Journal of Wildlife Management. 74:1050-1058.

Stenglein, J.L., M. De Barba, D.E. Ausband, and L.P. Waits. 2010. Impacts of sampling location within a faeces on DNA quality in two carnivore species. Molecular Ecology Resources. 10:109-114.

Gude, J.A., M.S. Mitchell, D.E. Ausband, C. Sime, and E. Bangs. 2009. Internal validation of predictive logistic regression models for decision making in wildlife management. Wildlife Biology. 15(4):1-18.

Ausband, D., and A. Moehrenschlager. 2009. Long-range juvenile dispersal and its implication for conservation of reintroduced swift fox Vulpes velox populations in the USA and Canada. Oryx. 43(1):73-77.

Ausband, D.E., J. Holyan, and C. Mack. 2009. Longevity and adaptability of a reintroduced gray wolf. Northwestern Naturalist. 90:44-47.

Mitchell, M. S., D.E. Ausband, C. A. Sime, E. E. Bangs, J. A. Gude, M. D. Jimenez, C. M. Mack, T. J. Meier, M. S. Nadeau, and D. W. Smith. 2008. Estimation of successful breeding pairs for wolves in the Northern Rocky Mountains, USA. Journal of Wildlife Management. 72:881-891.

Waters, S.S., C. Smeeton, K.V. Weagle, and D.E. Ausband. 2007. Re-introducing the swift fox to Blackfeet Tribal Lands, Montana, USA. IUCN Reintroduction News. 26:34-35.

Ausband, D.E. and K.F. Foresman. 2007. Swift fox reintroductions on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation, Montana. USA. Biological Conservation. 136:423-430.

Ausband, D.E. and K.F. Foresman. 2007. Dispersal, survival, and reproduction of wild-born, yearling swift foxes in a reintroduced population. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 85:185-189.

Ausband, D.E. and E.A. Ausband. 2006. Observations of interactions between swift fox and badgers. The Prairie Naturalist. 38(1):63-64.

Ausband, D.E., and G.R. Baty. 2005. Effects of precommercial thinning on snowshoe hare habitat use during winter in low-elevation montane forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 35(1): 206-210.

  • Idaho Department of Fish and Game, 2016 Wildlife Bureau Innovation Award
  • Best Professional Presentation, 2011 Idaho Chapter of the Wildlife Society
  • Best Technical Paper, 2011 Oregon Chapter of the Wildlife Society
  • Best Professional Presentation, 2007 Idaho Chapter of the Wildlife Society
  • University of Montana 2015 Award for Excellence in Graduate Research
  • Wesley M. Dixon PhD Fellowship
  • Shikar Safari Club International scholarship for graduate students
  • Cirica Family Scholarship for undergraduate students

  • Effects of harvest on gray wolves and cooperative breeding behavior
  • Estimating gray wolf density noninvasively
  • Estimating mountain lion density noninvasively
  • Developing a framework for statewide wolf population monitoring in Idaho

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Thank you for your interest in The ¹û¶³´«Ã½Â鶹Éç.

Contact Us

College of Natural Resources

Physical Address:
975 W. 6th Street
Moscow, Idaho

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1138
Moscow, ID 83844-1138

Phone: 208-885-8981

Fax: 208-885-5534

Email: cnr@uidaho.edu

Web: College of Natural Resources