Kerri Vierling
Kerri Vierling, Ph.D.
Director of CNR Graduate Studies, Professor of Wildlife Resources
CNR 105E
Fish and Wildlife Resources
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1136
Moscow, Idaho 83844-1136
- Ph.D. Biology, University of Colorado, 1998
- M.A. Biology, University of Colorado, 1994
- B.A. Biology, The Colorado College, 1990
Research Interests
Avian Ecology
Fire Ecology/Disturbance Ecology
Role of Vegetative Structure and Composition in Assessing Animal Distributions
Land Use Effects on Animal Populations
Vierling, K.T. and S.M.P. Sullivan. 2018. Ecosystem and Landscape Management and Planning in Ornithology: Foundation, Critique, and Application. M. Morrison, A Rodewald, G. Voelker, J.Prather, and M. Colon. (Eds). John Hopkins University Press.
Bae, S. J. Muller, L. Dowon, K.T. Vierling, J.C. Vogeler, L.A. Vierling, A.T. Hudak, H. Latifi, and S. Thorn. 2018. Taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic diversity of bird assemblages are oppositely associated to productivity and heterogeneity in temperate forests. Remote Sensing of Environment 215:145-156.
Vierling, K.T., T.J. Lorenz, P. Cunningham, and K. Potterf. 2018. Thermal conditions within tree cavities in ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) forests: potential implications for cavity users. International Journal of Biometeorology 62:553-564.
Swift, C., K.T. Vierling, A. Hudak, and L.A Vierling. 2017. Relationships among Vegetation Structure, Canopy Composition, and Avian Richness Patterns across an Aspen-Conifer Forest Gradient. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 43:231-243.
Martinez-Salinas, A., Fabrice DeClerck, K.T. Vierling, L.A. Vierling, L. Legal, S. Vilchez-Mendoza, and J. Avelino. 2016. Bird functional diversity supports pest control services in a Costa Rican coffee farm. Agricultural, Ecosystems and Environment 235:277-288.
Lankford-Bingle, A.J., L.K. Svancara, and K.T. Vierling. 2015. Spatio-temporal perspectives on climate change vulnerability indices for terrestrial wildlife: A new framework. Environmental Management 56:1514-1527.
Lorenz, T.J., K.T. Vierling, T.R. Johnson, and P.C. Fischer. 2015. Choice or constraint? The role of wood hardness in limiting nest site selection in North American woodpeckers. Ecological Applications 25:1016-1033.
Holbrook, J.D., R.S. Arkle, J.L. Rachlow, K.T. Vierling, and D.S. Pilliod. 2015 Sampling animal sign in heterogeneous environments: how much is enough? Journal of Arid Environments 119:51-55.
Vierling, K.T., C. Swift, A.T. Hudak, J.C. Vogeler, and L.A. Vierling. 2014. How much does the time lag between wildlife field data collection and LiDAR data acquisition matter for studies of animal distributions? A case study using bird communities. Remote Sensing Letters 5:185-193.
Vogeler, J.C., A.T. Hudak, L.A. Vierling, J. Evans, P. Green, and K.T. Vierling. 2014. Terrain and vegetation structural influences on local avian species richness in two mixed-conifer forests. Remote Sensing of Environment 147: 13-22.
Vierling, L.A., K.T Vierling, P. Adam, and A.T. Hudak. 2013. Using satellite and airborne LiDAR to model woodpecker habitat occupancy at the landscape scale. PLOS ONE, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0080988.
- U of I Alumni Association Award for Excellence, teaching and advising award (for graduate student Jamie Jarolimek). 2017
- College of Natural Resources External Advisory Board’s Faculty Excellence Award. This award honors teaching excellence, and was the first such award the CNR External Advisory Board has given to a faculty member in the college. 2017
- National Academic Advising Association Region 8 Faculty Advisor Certificate of Merit award. Region 8 consists of advisors across Alaska, Alberta, British Columbia, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and the Yukon Territory, and the award honors faculty advisors making significant contributions to academic advising, with only two awardees total in the faculty advisor category. 2017
- U of I Advising Excellence Award (top undergraduate advising award at the University level). 2016
- U of I Alumni Association Award for Excellence, teaching and advising award for undergraduate Emily Brown. 2015
- U of I Teaching Excellence Award (top teaching award at the University level). 2015
- U of I Alumni Award for Excellence, Outstanding Advisor award. 2008, 2010, 2011, 2014.
- U of I College of Natural Resources Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award. 2007, 2010, 2014.
- Outstanding Professional Presentation, Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society, 2010.
- South Dakota School of Mines and Technology: PIF College Award for Excellence in Teaching and Research. 2002.
- Two-time NCAA Division I All-American (Women’s soccer), inductee Colorado College Athletic Hall of Fame